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About PEC
The Punjab Engineering College Old Student Association ( PECOSA ) is the Alumni Association of the premiere institution of the country, Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University) Chandigarh, with its history dating back to Mughalpura Technical institute Lahore established in 1921. Earlier since the year 1960, the Association was known as Punjab Engineering College Old Boys Association. Later on the number of girl students increased considerably and as such the association was registered as Punjab Engineering College Old Students Association ( PECOSA) in December 1998 with the Administration of UT Chandigarh under Registration of Firms & Societies Act (XXI of1860) when Er Avtar Singh was President of the association. Since then the Association broad based its activities from holding Annual Alumni Meet to participate in various activities of the institute.
Punjab Engineering College Old Students Associations (PECOSA) was also registered with Income Tax Deptt under section 12-A(a) of Income-tax Act 1961 vide Commissioner of Income-Tax Chandigarh vide memo No CIT/CHD/12A/54/Tech/5813 dated 3.11.2000 ( entered at No 67-P in the register of Application under section 12AA maintained in that office). PECOSA has been granted exemption u/s 80-G of Income-tax Act 1961 vide memo No CIT/CHD/Tech/80-G/47/Tech/5814 dated 3.11.2000 for period from 1.4.1998 to 31.3.2001 and same is being extended from time to time. All students on passing out from Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University) become Life Members by paying subscription of Rs 500/- to PECOSA. As per MOU entered between the institute and PECOSA, Life membership fee of the passing out students is transferred by the institute to PECOSA.

Aims and Objectives of PECOSA
- To promote and inspire a feeling of fraternity amongst all the old students.
- To strengthen the link and tie of fellowship amongst the present students, members of the teaching faculty of PEC University of Technology and the old students.
- To promote and encourage active interest in the progress & welfare of the PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, by instituting Scholarships/Prizes/Fellowships/Research Project Funds etc, for the meritorious & deserving students studying at under-graduate/Post-graduate level in the PEC University of Technology ; contributing funds for library facilities both for present as well as old students for promotion of the engineering/technical knowledge, augmenting the equipment in the laboratories, contributing to the welfare of the University staff; organizing Blood Donation Camps & other activities relating to general public utilities such as creation of general awareness amongst public regarding usefulness /utility of the engineering/technical/managerial studies and render help ,assistance & guidance to the students preparing /appearing for entrance examinations of the Indian/Foreign universities, creating environmental awareness through holding of cleanliness drives, seminars, lectures, educating masses in the use of non-conventional energy resources, tree plantation etc

Scholarhips / Prizes Awarded

During the year 2018, the awards and scholarships offered by PECOSA got a great boost thanks to the 1968 batch and Dr Vijay Vasandani who contributed Rs. 61 lakhs and 10 lakhs respectively. An amount of Rs 5 lakhs has been also contributed by the 1972 batch. An amount of Rs. 50000 has been offered per annum as Books & Instruments Allowance by the 1961 batch thanks to efforts by Dr Gian Banga Ex Head Production Engineering Department and now settled in Australia. Total amount of the Scholarships and Prizes awarded during 2018-19 would be Rs 7.96 lakhs as per the following table: