Pecosa constitution
Memorandum & Articles of Association
1. Name of the Association
The Association shall be called “ Punjab Engineering College Old Students Association” –(PECOSA—herein after referred to in this text as such.
2. Location of Registered Office of PECOSA
The Registered office of the Association (PECOSA) shall be located in the campus of PEC University of Technology, Sector 12, Chandigarh-160012
3. Aims & Objects of the Association (PECOSA)
The aims and objects of the Association (PECOSA) shall be :–
( i ) To promote and inspire a feeling of fraternity amongst all the old students.
- To strengthen the link and tie of fellowship amongst the present students, members of the teaching faculty of PEC University of Technology and the old
- To promote and encourage active interest in the progress & welfare of the PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, by instituting Scholarships/Prizes/Fellowships/Research Project Funds etc, for the meritorious & deserving students studying at under-graduate/Post-graduate level in the PEC University of Technology
; contributing funds for library facilities both for present as well as old students for promotion of the engineering/technical knowledge, augmenting the equipment in the laboratories, contributing to the welfare of the University staff; organizing Blood Donation Camps & other activities relating to general public utilities such as creation of general awareness amongst public regarding usefulness /utility of the engineering/technical/managerial studies and render help ,assistance & guidance to the students preparing /appearing for entrance examinations of the Indian/Foreign universities, creating environmental awareness through holding of cleanliness drives, seminars, lectures, educating masses in the use of non-conventional energy resources, tree plantation and sharamdan etc .
( iv) To establish Chapters at different places to increase participation of Members in the sphere of Region of the Chapter & to provide a vibrant Forum for promotion of & for the fulfillment of the aims & objectives of association (PECOSA) and Networking among Alumni of the Institute;
( v) where necessary to acquire and to own property for the furtherance of the aims & objectives of the Association (PECOSA) ; and
( vi) Facilitate the Association of Alumni with their Alma Mater and contribute to the Institute’s Vision of being recognized among the world’s leading Professional Institutions in
Academics , research ,excellence and innovation. To act as think tank to improve the name, fame and ranking of PEC University of Technology at National & International level.
The income and property of the Association (PECOSA) shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the aims & objects of the Association(PECOSA) as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to the members of the Association(PECOSA)
No members of the Governing Body ( Executive Committee) of the Association (PECOSA) shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Association(PECOSA) and any office bearer of the Association(PECOSA) shall not be paid any remuneration from the funds of the Association(PECOSA) except payment of out of pocket expenses and interest on the money lent or rent for premises/demised to the Association(PECOSA)
Provided further that no member of the Governing Body ( Executive Committee of PECOSA) shall take part in any activity/ function of the Association (PECOSA) where in their kith & kin are directly or indirectly involved and the working of the Association shall be kept free of any ambiguity what-so-ever.
The Association(PECOSA) shall fix priority from time to time to deploy the funds of the Association (PECOSA) for promoting its aims & objects.
If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association (PECOSA), there remains after settlement of all its debits and liabilities, any property/assets, the same shall be transferred to the benevolent fund of the PEC University of Technology / or its successor Institute, as a Corpus Fund for the award of merit-cum-means scholarships/Prizes to the students of the university or its successor Institute.
( i) All the old students shall be members . By “Old Students” is meant those who have passed an approved course of study such as B.E/M.E/Ph.D/Diploma or Post-graduate diploma/ any condensed course and any other course instituted by the University in future of not less than one year duration except through correspondence.etc etc imparted in the Institute from:-
- Mughalpura Technical Institute, Lahore
- Maclagan College of Engineering,
- Punjab College of Engineering & Technology, Lahore ( upto 1947)
- East Punjab Engineering College,
- Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh; and
- PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh or its Successor Institute
( ii) All the past Principals of PEC and Directors of PEC University and Members of the teaching staff ( retired from both Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh) and both present & retired from PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, other than the Old Students as mentioned in sub-para 4(i) supra; are also members of the Association
(PECOSA) provided that they have had at-least one year stay in the Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh /PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh or its Successor Institute..
( iii) Executive Committee may appoint eminent person(s) other than PECOSIANs, who can further the interests of PECOSA as Honorary Member(s) of the Association for a defined period of time. Honorary Member (s) shall not have any voting rights.
Rules & Regulations of Association (PECOSA)
These rules have been framed for smooth functioning of the Association (PECOSA) in furtherance for the achievement of its aims & objects.
( i) All the old students shall be members . By “Old Students” is meant those who have passed an approved course of study such as B.E/M.E/Ph.D/Diploma/Post-graduate Diploma/ any condensed course and any other course instituted by the University in future of not less than one year duration except through correspondence etc imparted in the Institute from:-
- Mughalpura Technical Institute, Lahore
- Maclagan College of Engineering,
- Punjab College of Engineering & Technology, Lahore ( upto 1947)
- East Punjab Engineering College,
- Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh; and
- PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh or its Successor
( ii) All the past Principals of PEC and Directors of PEC University and Members of the teaching staff ( retired from both Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh) and both present & retired from PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, other than the Old Students as mentioned in sub-para 2(i) supra; are also members of the Association (PECOSA) provided that they have had at-least one year stay in the Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh /PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh or its Successor Institute.
( iii) Executive Committee may appoint eminent person(s) other than PECOSIANs, who can further the interests of PECOSA as Honorary Member (s) of the Association for a defined period of time. Honorary Member (s) shall not have any voting rights.
Rs 500/- ( Rupees Five Hundred ) only in lump-sum is the life membership fee. This can be reviewed and increased periodically by the Executive Committee of the Association.
All the members shall be life members of the Association (PECOSA)
All the old students who have passed before 1996 are deemed to have subscribed the membership fee by way of transfer of their students stores security deposit lying with then College to the Association’s (PECOSA) account on their passing from Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh.
The students of the batches who passed out during the years 1997,1998, 1999 & 2000, shall have to make their subscription as above to become life members of the Association.. In case of the students of the batches passing out in the year 2001 and thereafter , part of security deposit with the Punjab Engineering College up to 2004 / PEC University of Technology from 2005 onward, will be transferred to the Association’s (PECOSA’s) account as per MOU signed between PECOSA & PEC University of Technology and by virtue of that they shall become life members of the Association (PECOSA)
The faculty members of P.E.C Chandigarh / PEC University of Technology, on becoming the life members of the Association (PECOSA) will however be exempted from payment of the membership subscription.
All the members of the Association (PECOSA) shall be members of the General Body
The General Body shall exercise the following powers & functions :-
- To approve the Rules & Regulations and their amendments/alterations if any, which are formulated /framed by the Governing Body (Executive Committee) from time to time;
- To receive the Annual Report & Accounts and adopt the audited accounts; ( iii) To consider and approve the Budget for the ensuing year.
- To elect Office Bearers of the Executive Committee ( For election details refer under head Executive Committee)
- To manage the Assets of the Association(PECOSA)through the Executive
- To consider proposal(s) for amendment/addition/alteration of its constitution as per resolutions of Executive Committee
- To consider “No Confidence Motion” against any office bearer(s) & particular member (s) or the entire Executive Committee; on the recommendation of Executive Committee after report from Disciplinary Committee.
- To expel any member (s) whose conduct is detrimental to the interests of the Association (PECOSA) on the recommendations of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will ensure issuance of proper show cause notice to concerned member(s) and provide ample opportunity to such member(s) to defend his/her conduct before sending its recommendations to the General Body for final action.
- To consider all matters of interest pertaining to the welfare of the Association (PECOSA) in achievement of its aims & objects.
The meeting of the General Body shall be held at-least once in a year ( preferably in 2nd quarter of Financial Year) on a date and time fixed by the Executive Committee . A notice of at-least 21 clear days shall be given for convening the meeting of the General Body . The intimation of the General Body Meeting shall be given to all the members of the General Body through Website of PECOSA/PEC University/Google group/Email to members ( List of members with their batch, email & mobile if any to be displayed on the PECOSA website as well as PECOSA Notice Board), by post or any other mode to solicit maximum & wide publicity to ensure maximum participation of the members. Such notice shall be considered as valid and legal and all the proceedings of General Body Meeting shall be valid. If felt appropriate by the Executive Committee by publication in Press also.
The Quorum for the General Body Meeting shall be 75 (Seventy-five).
At-least 30 (Thirty) members of the Association (PECOSA) by requisition in writing to the President of the Association at the official address and also through sending scanned copy by email, can ask for summoning the meeting of the General Body for any emergent/ important issue.
In the absence of the quorum within 30 minutes of the scheduled time, the General Body Meeting will be adjourned by the President and will be reconvened after 14 days i.e on 15th day. A fresh notice for convening the meeting of the General Body shall be issued accordingly. In case the quorum in the reconvened General Body Meeting is again not complete, the business of the Association will be carried out as normal and all decisions of the reconvened General Body Meeting shall be legal. All the decisions in the General Body Meeting shall be taken by simple majority of the members present in person.
- If 30 (Thirty) members of the Association by requisition in writing to the President of the Association at official address and also by sending scanned copy through email, can seek the summoning of the Extra-Ordinary/Special General Body Meeting to discuss any extra-ordinary matter/point/situation requiring urgent attention/decision /discussion. The Executive Committee shall assemble at the earliest to deliberate upon the issue involved. Accordingly the Executive Committee will direct the General Secretary to issue the notice for holding Extra-Ordinary General Body Meeting, which will be convened within 40 days of receipt of the requisition from the members.
( ii) If simple majority of the members present in the Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting vote for fresh resolution as per requisition of the Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting, the proposal would be deemed to have been passed. The intimation of the Extra- ordinary General Body Meeting shall be given to all the members as in case of Annual General Body Meeting through Website of PECOSA/PEC University/Google group/Email to members( List of members with their batch, email & mobile if any to be displayed on the PECOSA website as well as PECOSA Notice Board); by post or any other mode to solicit maximum & wide publicity to ensure maximum participation of the members. Such notice shall be considered as valid and legal and all the proceedings of
Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting shall be valid. If felt by the Executive Committee by publication in the press also.
- Extra-ordinary General Body or Special General Body Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee as and when required to discuss important/urgent issues/matters such as revision/amendment of Constitution; sanction for emergent collection of funds and for any other specific task etc. The procedure for calling such EGM or SGM shall be same as for convening AGM as indicated above.
All the members of the Association (PECOSA) are entitled to participate in the proceedings & vote at the General Body Meeting including any Extra- ordinary/Special General Body Meetings. There will be no proxy voting and only those members present in person shall be entitled to vote. The President of the Association shall have a casting vote over & above the vote exercised by him as member of the Association(PECOSA), in case of tie.
The procedure for electronic voting for the members shall be considered at appropriate time when requisite infrastructure in PECOSA Office for suitable & secured web portal for the same is created
The Director, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, shall be the Patron ( Ex-officio) of the Association (PECOSA).
- The Governing Body i.e Executive Committee shall consist of the following office bearers elected by the General Body as well nominated members by the President of the Association (PECOSA) after approval of nomination(s) of such member(s) by the Executive Committee of the Association by majority
- President
- Vice-President
- General Secretary
- Treasurer
- Joint Secretary
- Regional Representatives –5
- 2(Two) Overseas
- 3(Three) within India for Chapters like NCR; Bangalore Region & Other Chapter with 30 (Thirty) or more members in sphere of
Regional Representative(s) will be elected/selected to represent the Region of Chapter as follows:
- NCR—New Delhi, Gurugram,
- Bangalore Region
- Any other region with 30 (Thirty) or more members in sphere of region.
- West of India( USA, Canada, Middle East & Africa etc)
- Australia
- Eleven Members elected by the General Body; and
- Two nominated by the President after approval of nomination(s) of such member(s) by the Executive Committee of the Association by consensus/ majority vote.
- Dean Alumni & International Affairs as Ex-officio Member
- Immediate Past President as Ex-officio
The strength of the Governing Body i.e Executive Committee shall not be less than Twenty-one (21) and not more than Twenty-five(25).
( ii) The General Body shall normally elect all members of the Executive Committee mentioned above, by majority vote. For all the posts( office bearers) & executive committee members, nominations shall be invited and in the event of non receipt of nomination for any or all the members of the Executive Committee, the committee elected by the General Body shall be authorized to elect the remaining members. However, it will be obligatory for the General Body to elect the office bearers i.e President, Vice-President, General Secretary & Treasurer & Joint Secretary. The General Body may empower /authorize the President(Elect) to nominate other members of the Executive Committee other than Office bearers as above within the stipulated ceiling for members of the Executive Committee as per sub-para (i) above only with the concurrence of the majority of the elected office bearers & elected members by the General Body..
(iii) The nominated members of the Executive Committee as per sub-para (i) (8) above, shall be nominated by the President with the consent of the Executive Committee unanimously and in case of no consensus then by majority vote to provide for equitable representation to maximum number of batches as well as functionaries of PEC University of Technology.
To give equitable and proportionate representation to most of the batches, it shall be ensured that not more than 2/3( Two/Three) members are elected/nominated from a particular batch except in respect of Regional Representatives and in r/o S.No 9 & 10 supra..
- Regional Representatives shall be elected by the respective Chapters as Coordinator(s) of the Chapter(s) on the main body of Association. The Regional Representative(s) can also attend the meetings of the Executive Committee through Video Conferencing after adequate & secure infrastructure for same is established in PECOSA Office or alternately may depute his duly authorized representative ( member or office bearer from that Chapter) for the specific meeting of the Executive Committee.
The office bearers and the other members of the Executive Committee, whether elected or nominated, shall hold office for a period of two years coinciding with the financial year of the Association and shall be eligible for re-election. The tenure of nominated member(s) during midterm nomination by the President or election in AGM if any, shall be co-terminus with two years of the Original Executive Committee till next election is held in the AGM by General Body.
The President & General Secretary shall be eligible to hold office for a maximum period of two terms i.e four years only at a stretch. For re-election
/nomination, thereafter, they shall be eligible only after cooling off period of at- least one tenure i.e two years.
The quorum for the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be 40% of the strength of the Executive Committee at any time as defined in para 10 above excluding regional representatives. This will not include any special invitee(s). Similarly Dean Alumni Affairs & Immediate Past President will not be counted in the strength of the Executive Committee for purpose of quorum as above.
The Executive Committee shall meet bimonthly preferably on monthly basis on days/dates to be decided by the Executive Committee in their first meeting after election on entering the office.. The General Secretary shall invariably issue 10( Ten) days notice for the meetings of the Executive Committee after concurrence of the President indicating the date, time & venue of the same along-with brief Agenda to be discussed with last item being any other item with the permission of the chair. However, agenda should be circulated at-least 4 days prior to the meeting. The meeting will be held within 30 minutes of the appointed time with quorum as mentioned above, failing which the same shall be postponed to next week on same date, time and venue to be specified. Any member of the Executive Committee can propose an agenda point for discussion well before circulation of agenda points by the General Secretary as above and such agenda item shall invariably be included in the agenda by the General Secretary. The meeting will review the progress of all the pending points and fresh issues from the members and any other point/issue with the permission of the chair. The Executive Committee will chalk out strategy for taking further and appropriate action to ensure that all points are satisfactorily accomplished to their logical end.
The President will preside over the meeting of the Executive Committee, to be conducted through the General Secretary or by any other office bearer designated as such by the President in his absence. In the absence of President, the Vice-President will preside over the meetings. In case both
President & Vice-President being not present at the appointed time of the meeting of the Executive Committee, the members present will elect any of the member present to act as President for the said meeting. All decisions in such Executive Committee meeting with proper quorum shall be taken by majority votes of the members present. In case of tie, the President/Presiding President as the case may be shall have a casting vote in addition to his/her own vote as member of the Executive Committee.
The minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be duly recorded by the General Secretary and after approval of the President, shall be circulated amongst the members preferably within 7( Seven) days of holding the meeting so as to ensure proper action taken on the decisions arrived at in the meeting and shall be kept as a permanent record of the proceedings in a register to be maintained for the purpose in the PECOSA Office and also in digital form to be kept in PECOSA office in CD or Pen drive etc. as the case may be.
Any member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, he/she shall be answerable to the Executive Committee for his/her continued absence. In the event of non-satisfactory explanation for continued absence from three consecutive meetings, the President with the consent of the Executive Committee through consensus & in the event of no consensus then by majority vote, may replace them by nomination from members of the General Body for the remainder period of the tenure of the Executive Committee
- The President shall be head of the Association(PECOSA). He shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee as well as the General Body except for the purpose of election of the office bearers of the Association. All meetings of the Executive Committee shall invariably be convened by the General Secretary with prior approval of the President. However for convening the meeting of the General Body whether Annual General Body Meeting or Extra- ordinary/Special General Body Meeting(s) resolution of the Executive Committee shall be required. The President will not have casting vote in the meeting of AGM or Extra-ordinary General Meeting for election of office bearers. However, the President shall in all other situations/matters have a casting vote in addition to his own vote as member only when there is a tie i.e votes in favour/against an agenda item or proposal are equal.
- The President shall be empowered to sanction an expenditure up-to maximum of Rs 15,000/- ( Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) at a time on any item within the approved budget estimate adopted by the General Body in its AGM. No piecemeal sanction of expenditure on any single
item shall be granted just to split up the expenses on the item to bring it within his powers. For sanction of expenditure exceeding Rs 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) prior approval of the Executive Committee shall be obtained except in very emergent circumstances wherein immediately post-facto approval of such expenditure be obtained from the Executive Committee in its immediate next meeting.
- The above financial powers may, however be reviewed from time to time by the General Body in its AGM/Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting after due recommendations of the Executive Committee.
The Vice-President shall assist the President and in the absence of the President, Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President. In addition, he will perform all other duties/functions as assigned to him by the Executive Committee /President.
The General Secretary shall maintain all office files, records, Minutes book, Fixed Asset Register and any other property of the Association(PECOSA) as its Custodian. All official correspondence of the Association with PEC University of Technology, other administrative matters and members shall invariably be done by the General Secretary as per decisions of the General Body, Executive Committee/the President. However in urgent matters President/Treasurer can make correspondence as per express orders of the President.
The duties/functions of the General Secretary shall be:–
- To convene all meetings of the Executive Committee & the General Body with prior consent of the President/ resolution of the Executive Committee respectively.
- To keep records of the duly approved minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Committee as well as the General Body and maintain proper permanent record in the form of Minute-Book and same shall be kept in the PECOSA Office. Such records will also be kept in digital form in the PECOSA Office computer.
- To prepare & keep in order a record of addresses/Email IDs of the members and other related matters. The copy of the up-to-date database shall be also kept in office of PECOSA for information of members and shall also uploaded on website of PECOSA periodically.
- To prepare and present the Annual Report of the Association in consultation with the President along-with Annual Accounts & Audited Balance Sheet.
- To do such other works as may be entrusted to him/her by the Executive Committee/President, in day-to-day affairs of the Association(PECOSA).
- The Official record of PECOSA shall invariably kept in PECOSA Office except with office bearers who are supposed to work in honorary capacity from their homes.
The duties/functions of the Treasurer shall be:–
- To collect subscription and or other remittances of the Association (PECOSA) and keep proper accounts of the same.
- To maintain accounts of the Association (PECOSA) and get the same audited from Chartered Accountant for filing annual income tax return with the Income Tax Department. He / She shall be custodian of all the Account Books and Vouchers.
- To assist the President in preparation of Annual Budget and ensure that expenditure on different heads remain within the approved outlay but in no case the expenditure to exceed the probable annual receipts.
- The Treasurer can hold a maximum of Rs 20,000/- ( Rupees Twenty Thousand only ) as cash in hand at any time for meeting petty expenses. The Treasurer shall present periodical statement of expenditure vis-à- vis receipt to the Executive Committee. All collections received on behalf of the Association (PECOSA) shall be deposited in the saving account of Association(PECOSA) maintained with State Bank of India, PEC Chandigarh within seven days. All funds in excess of routine requirement of the Association (PECOSA) shall be invested in Fixed Deposit Receipts to earn optimum income for the Association (PECOSA).Others modes for earning higher returns for PECOSA having adequate security need to be explored by the Executive Committee and Treasurer will act in consonance with decisions of the Executive Committee in such matter(s).
He/ She shall assist the General Secretary in discharge of various duties/functions. In the absence of General Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall perform all the duties/functions of the General Secretary. The Joint Secretary shall make administrative arrangements for General Body & Alumni Meet in close co-ordination with President/General Secretary/Treasurer.
All members of the Executive Committee shall carry out the tasks assigned to them by the Executive Committee/President. In addition, the President may assign any specific task for improvement of the functioning of the Association (PECOSA) to any member during the course of General Body/Alumni Meet or any other event for furtherance of achievement of
aims & objects of the Association (PECOSA). Such member(s) will be morally bound to do the job assigned to him/them and extend full cooperation to the Executive Committee. All Representatives of Chapters shall give wide publicity of different events of Association in their region and shall be the main resource person of Association for that region for receipt and publicizing of Information.
- The financial year of the Association (PECOSA) shall be reckoned from Ist April to 31st March of next year or in consistence with Government decisions on the same as enforced from time to time so-that financial statements of accounts, Balance Sheet and return filed there- of with Income Tax Deptt are strictly in compliance with Government norms. .
- The accounts of the Association (PECOSA) shall be got audited from a competent person, who shall not be member of the Executive Committee preferably from qualified Chartered Accountant.
( c) All the surplus funds, Corpus Fund, Life Membership Fee, shall be kept as Fixed Deposit Receipts with Scheduled Banks to earn optimum income for the Association (PECOSA). All the routine funds of the Association (PECOSA) shall be kept in saving account in scheduled banks and the bank accounts shall be operated as under:-
( i) All cheques shall be signed jointly by either the President or Vice- President and the Treasurer and operation of accounts with the Bank(s) shall be in conformity with this resolution
( ii) The President ( Out-going) shall communicate the change of President, Vice-President & Treasurer ( the signatories for cheques ), to the Banks with their specimen signatures as soon as the new Executive Committee commence its functioning for operation of accounts of the Association..
The funds of the Association (PECOSA) shall ordinarily be raised from the following sources:–
- In consonance with the changed criterion of membership of the Association, Life Membership Subscription from new members i.e passing-out graduates/post-graduates/Ph.D/Diploma/Post-graduate Diplomas/any condensed course and any other full-time course of not less than one year duration except through correspondence etc through PEC University of Technology as per MOU signed between PECOSA & PEC University of Technology and as per practice being followed by the Institute.
- Donations from members/individuals/companies/organizations etc
- Interest from Fixed Deposit Receipts & Saving
- Grant & Subsidy from PEC University of Technology or its Successor
- Donations from General Public in consonance to its aims & objects
- Sponsorships from firms/ companies/organizations/individuals for holding Alumni Meet and other important events.
- Publication of Directories/other Publications of PECOSA– as advertisement for the same
- Advertisement(s) in the Website of the Association(PECOSA)
- Any other source which is legal and are bona-fide contribution to the Association (PECOSA) in furtherance to its aims & objects.
The President is empowered to approve/incur expenditure up-to Rs 15,000/- ( Rupees Fifteen thousand) only and all expenditure on any item exceeding Rs 15,000/-( Rupees Fifteen thousand) shall be approved by the Executive Committee.
(iii) The Executive Committee is authorized to make appropriate donations & investment that are directly or indirectly helpful in achieving the objectives of the Association (PECOSA).
( iv) All the surplus funds of the Association shall be suitably invested in Fixed Deposit Receipts or otherwise to generate maximum but assured and secured income for the Association (PECOSA).
- The office bearers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in the Annual General Body Meeting every alternate year. The Executive Committee shall decide the date, time and venue of such meeting. An advance notice of minimum of 30( Thirty) days will be given in writing and wide publicity be given through different modes like PECOSA Google-group, PECOSA Website, PEC Website; Emails, SMSs, by post or any other mode to have maximum possible participation. If felt appropriate by the Executive Committee publicity through Publication in Press also can be explored..
- Nomination papers will be called for the election of the office bearers as well as elected members of the Executive Committee. It would be obligatory for the General Body to elect the President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Treasurer & Joint Secretary. In case nominations for other members for the Executive Committee are not received or election for them is not held, ,the General Body may authorize the President(Elect) to nominate the remaining members with consent of majority of other elected Office Bearers & elected members to complete his team within the stipulated number indicated in para .
All nomination papers etc along-with proposer /seconder name etc shall be forwarded to the Returning Officer for scrutiny and further necessary action for smooth election.
- In a situation where no nomination is received for the post of the President, the AGM will be adjourned and reconvened subsequently after fourteen days( 14 days) i.e on 15th ( fifteenth) day . The nomination papers shall be sponsored and authenticated by at-least two members on standard format, which may be formulated by the Returning Officer, as the case may be.
- The election of the office bearers shall be held either by general consensus and in case of no consensus is reached, the election will be held by show of hands or secret ballot to be decided by the Returning Officer.
- The mode of conducting election shall be sole responsibility of the Returning Officer, who can devise his own procedure/methodology and decision of the Returning Officer shall be acceptable to all members present in person in the AGM of the General
- In case of election by secret ballot, the identity of the members need proper authentication to avoid participation of non-members of General Body. The Returning Officer shall devise his own methodology for the same.
- The Executive Committee by general consensus, shall appoint a senior member (who is not part of out-going Executive Committee) or a faculty member of PEC University of Technology as Returning Officer, for smooth conduct of the election of the Office Bearers & other elected members of the Governing Body( Executive Committee) of the Association (PECOSA). After the Returning Officer is appointed, it shall solely be his prerogative and responsibility to conduct the election he deem appropriate. Two more members of the choice of the Returning Officer, will assist him , with preferably one of them with legal background.
- The Returning Officer shall conduct the election in free and fair manner. He /She will prepare ballot papers/ stamps or any other required material at his/her own level or take the help of the sitting President/General Secretary. The expenditure so incurred in conduct of the election shall however be borne by the Association (PECOSA).
Alternative Procedure for conduct of Election: As & when adequate infrastructure and adequately secure web portal of PECOSA is established in PECOSA Office, is proposed hereunder:-
* All elected posts of the new Executive Committee shall be filled by election in the GBM every alternate year.
- Every member of the General Body shall be eligible to be elected as President; Vice-President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Joint Secretary and other elected members of the EC, subject to condition that regional representatives to be elected by the respective Chapters.
- Every member of the General Body to have one vote for each post. Vote by proxy is in no case permitted.
- A member shall not be eligible to hold the same post for more than two
ELECTION OFFICER—On behalf of the General Body, election shall be held by an Election Officer, appointed by the outgoing Executive Committee at least 60 days in advance and not earlier than 75 days of the expiry of the term. The Election Officer shall be employee of the Institute, not below the rank of Professor, and should not be member of the Executive Committee. He should be familiar with the Information & Communication Technologies(ICT)
- While taking action as above, The EC shall also convene Annual General Body Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting f the General Body to obtain and adopt the election results and announce the names of the elected members of new Executive
- The Election Officer shall be responsible for receipt of nominations, acceptance of withdrawals, scrutiny of nominations, hearing of objections against nominations, actual conducting of elections and announcement of election results in the meeting of the General Body.
- Within 10 days of his appointment, the Election Officer shall notify the schedule of elections, which shall include the dates and times of following:
- Receipt of nominations in the form as approved by the outgoing Executive
- Publication of all the
- Filling of objections against the nominations and scrutiny
- Decision on the
- Publication of valid
- Withdrawals of
- Publication of final list of contesting candidates for different
- Voting way of secret ballot, postal ballot and secured web
- Counting of votes, and
- Announcement of
- Nominations shall be invited at least 30(Thirty) days in advance of the General Body Meeting , by a general circular to all the members and Chapters and by hosting it on the Association’s website ”PECOSA.IN” or any other official website.
- Every nomination shall be required to be duly proposed by at least two members of the General Body and seconded by any member of the General Body other than the proposers .Each nomination shall have the consent of the nominee.
* No member shall nominate/ second more than one candidate for the same post. No member, who nominates a candidate for a post, shall second another candidate for same post and similarly no member, who seconds a candidate for a post shall nominate another candidate for same post. In case of any violation, only the first entry shall be considered valid.
- Immediately next day after the closing date & time of the nominations, the Election Officer shall publish post-wise list of all nominations for the information of the General Body and invite by giving two days , objections against validity of nominations.
- Two days after expiry of the time for filing objections to nominations, the Election Officer shall scrutinize all the nominations and decide all the objections and notify the names of candidates, whose nominations have been found to be valid and publish the same for the information of all the candidates and the General Body. Before taking a decision on objections, the Election Officer shall give one day notice to the candidate against whom objection has been received., to explain his position. After taking the decision, the Election Officer shall give two days to valid candidates for withdrawals of their nominations.
- Immediately thereafter, he shall publish the final list of contesting
MODE OF VOTING : Votes shall be polled in the following manner:-
- By Secret ballots by members present in the General Body Meeting,
- Voting through ‘web portal’ with appropriate security measures; and
- Postal
Illustration : A member can vote through any one of the above modes. If a member opts to vote through post, he shall not be entitled to vote by web portal or through secret ballot. Any member, who is unable to cast his vote through web portal with appropriate security measures; will get another chance to vote in the AGM.
One Chance to Vote: Member shall get only one chance to vote for each post and he may cast vote for any number of posts.
VOTING through web portal with appropriate security measures: Web portal polling shall be started not earlier than 15 days after publication of final list of contesting candidates and end not earlier than 15 days thereafter. Voting through web portal with appropriate security measures shall stop at the date and time immediately before the start of the voting by way of secret ballot.
Voting By Postal Ballot: Postal ballots shall be accepted up-to a day prior to date of secret ballot during the General Body Meeting. Polling by Postal ballots shall be started not earlier than 15 days after publication of final list of contesting candidates and end not earlier than 15 days thereafter.
Counting of Votes Polled and Declaration of Results: The counting of votes polled shall be done by the Election Officer in the presence of committee members and the candidates or their authorized representatives in the following manner:
*Counting of votes polled by secret ballot shall be done immediately after close of polling in the presence of committee members and the candidates or their authorized representatives present in the General Body Meeting.
- Thereafter, the Election Officer shall count postal ballots in the GBM by opening the sealed cover in the presence of committee members and the candidates or their authorized
- Thereafter, The Election Officer shall count the votes polled through web portal with appropriate security measures in the presence of committee members and the candidates or their authorized representatives.
- After counting of web portal votes polled, the Election Officer shall compile the result and announce them in the GBM. The result will be finally submitted in writing to the General Secretary. The General Secretary shall formally announce them as resolution in the General
Body Meeting and shall be adopted as such. The Election Officer shall submit a report on the elections to the EC within a day thereafter.
( i) Any member who wish to resign from the Executive Committee shall give due notice to the President in writing giving reasons if any. The same shall be considered in the next meeting of the Executive Committee and appropriate decision taken thereon by the Executive Committee. In case of mid-term vacancy arising due to such resignation, the President will nominate any other member preferably of same or identical batch as office bearer/member of the Executive Committee for the remainder term of the Executive Committee with consent of majority of members present in that meeting of the Executive Committee if there is no consensus,. The nominated member so appointed by the President shall exercise such duties/functions as assigned to such post or as assigned by the Executive Committee / President, as the case may be.
( ii) The membership shall be terminated if a member of the Executive Committee fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without reasonable justification or prior leave of absence recorded in writing through email or mail to the Executive Committee/ President/ General Secretary. Any vacancy arising on account of such termination, shall be filled by the President with the consent of the majority of Executive Committee by nomination of a suitable member for the remainder term of the Executive Committee.
20. Removal/Expulsion of office bearer(s)/ member(s) of the Executive Committe Due to Misconduct.
All the members of the Executive Committee including office bearers as well as members of the Association shall refrain from using offensive/foul and un- parliamentary language in any kind of correspondence/communication directly in person or through mail/email/SMS/social media posts etc, against any other member(s) of the Executive Committee as well as Association.. All the members of the Executive Committee are expected to behave in a civilized manner to maintain proper decorum in the meetings as well as in their writings. No member shall level unsubstantiated charge/allegation against any other member(s). All the members of the Executive Committee need to enforce self discipline and refrain from mounting personal attacks/insinuations. Such cases of grave misconduct by any member of the Executive Committee including office bearer(s) shall be initiated resulting in removal/expulsion from the Executive Committee.
A Disciplinary Sub-Committee consisting of 3/5 members shall be constituted by the Executive Committee in its first meeting itself at the start of its tenure. The Presiding member of the Disciplinary Committee so constituted shall be senior most member with other members belonging to different batches. Whenever any such disciplinary action is contemplated against any member of a particular batch on the reference of the Executive Committee, if there is member from that batch in the Disciplinary Committee, then that member of the Disciplinary Committee shall recuse himself from the proceedings and the Executive Committee shall nominate with consensus any other member in his place so as to ensure free & fair proceedings.
The report of the Disciplinary Committee shall then be considered in its next meeting of the Executive Committee and take appropriate action as it deem appropriate. .
As per MOU signed by the Association (PECOSA) with PEC University of Technology, working Office of the Association (PECOSA) shall be maintained in the premises of PEC University of Technology. The registered office is set-up at present in the old POST Office Building in PEC University of Technology Campus near the Auditorium and adjacent to the Workshops of the Institute in front of the Cricket Ground.
The office shall be suitably furnished for ensuring proper seating arrangement for holding meetings of the Executive Committee and working arrangement for part time Office Assistant. Adequate furniture & Fixtures and other infrastructure shall be provided in the office. Efforts shall be made to establish a secured infrastructure in PECOSA Office for conducting video conference as well as web-portal for e-voting to meet all future needs.
The General Secretary will ensure proper up-keep of the working office and all records, furniture & fixtures etc.
- The obsolete files & documents not required will be surveyed by a Board consisting of the General Secretary and two additional members preferably Vice- President & Joint Secretary or any other Executive member. The proceedings of this survey board shall then be discussed in the meeting of the Executive Committee before such obsolete files/records/furniture & fixtures are disposed off
/destroyed & consigned to fire as the case may be.
- Cash Receipt Books; Cash Books; Minutes Books or any other Financial documents like FDRs, Saving Account Pass Books, will not be destroyed but retained for record at least for ten years.
- The General Body shall have final powers to dispose off all the tangible/Fixed Assets of the Association(PECOSA). For such matters, a special General Body Meeting shall have to be convened and agenda circulated to the members along- with the notice. The decision on such matters by the General Body shall be taken by simple majority of the members present and voting.
The following individual(s) shall not be eligible to hold any office of the Executive Committee of the Association (PECOSA)
- Person holding any elected office of a recognized Political Party/Organization
- Suspended/dismissed Public Servant;
- Person held guilty of moral turpitude
- Imprisoned for any act with sentence of more than three
To promote the objectives of the Association in consonance with setting up of Chapters., Regional Chapters may be formed in different geographical areas. The sphere of an established chapter shall preferably be within a radius of 75 Kms. However in case of special circumstances where there is large concentration of alumni at a particular station, the Executive Committee of PECOSA can consider giving accreditation to such chapter(s) as an exception. Regional Chapters will have full autonomy and will be free to have their own set-up as they deem appropriate as per requirements from time to time and model guidelines for their set-up are only for guidance be to meet their all future needs. However there will be no financial liability of PECOSA Chandigarh in r/o such Chapter(s) and the Chapter(s) shall conduct their business through their own devised financial back-up.
All members of the General Body of the Association (PECOSA) will maintain different Chapters in important cities in India and Overseas where there are sufficient number of members ( 30 or more alumni) and all such chapters shall conform to the main tenets of the constitution of the Association (PECOSA) and all such chapters will be affiliated with the parent Registered Body i.e PECOSA, Chandigarh.
The Executive Committee of the Association shall formulate the broad guidelines for formation of Chapters and accreditation with PECOSA. In case of non-conformation with the guidelines, accreditation of the Chapter)s) can be annulled. By PECOSA’s parent Body.
The General Secretary shall ensure complete details/ documents of such outstation chapters with record of their membership and probable addresses /Email IDs.etc.
All the amendments/alterations; addition/deletion to the Constitution and Rules & Regulations made there-under, can be made by the General Body by two-third(2/3) majority of the members present in the General Body Meeting whether Annual or Special or Extra-ordinary Meetings of the General Body.
Every member of the Executive Committee shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Association against all losses and expenses incurred in the bona-fide discharge of his/her duties, except when it happens through his/her own willful neglect or dishonesty or mala-fide intention while discharging his/her duties or action resulting from willful disobedience of law, bad faith or gross negligence.
There is only one Registered Association i.e Punjab Engineering College Old Association (PECOSA) as per Registration No 2821 of 1998 with the Registrar of Firms & Societies, U.T. Chandigarh with registered office in the campus of PEC University of Technology Sector 12, Chandigarh (previously Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh)
If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association (PECOSA), there remains after liquidation/settlement of all debits/liabilities, any assets including Fixed assets as well as current liquid assets, what-so- ever, the same shall be transferred to the Benevolent Fund of the PEC University of Technology as Corpus Fund to be utilized for payment of merit- cum-means scholarships/prizes to the students of the University or its successor Institute..
The dissolution of the Association(PECOSA) can be decided in accordance with the provisions of Registration of Firms & Societies Act, 1860; by two-third( 2/3) majority of the members present and voting in the meeting of the General Body including Extra-ordinary/Special General Body Meeting specially convened for the purpose.
Alumni Association (PECOSA) Chapters shall be established in areas where there are (suitable strength)say 30 (Thirty) or more Alumni of PEC in that Region. The sphere of a region for an established chapter shall preferably be within a radius of 75 kms. However in case of special circumstances where there is large concentration of PECOSA alumni, the Executive Committee of PECOSA can consider accreditation to such chapter as a special exception. Such Chapters will have full autonomy in so-far as their organizational set- up consistent to their needs. The model guidelines are only for meeting all future needs. Such Chapters shall be set-up by local resident active members for the purpose of building vibrant community of PECOSIANs and furthering the aims & objectives of the Association(PECOSA); which are:-
- Provide a vibrant forum to promote interaction and net-working among the Alumni of the Institute.
- Help the Alumni to achieve their Professional goals
- Facilitate the Association of Alumni (PECOSA) with their Alma Mater and contribute to the Institute’s vision of being recognized among the World’s leading institutions in Academics, research, excellence and innovation.
The Chapters will be governed by the following draft bye-laws. The Chapters shall be accredited by the parent body i.e PECOSA Chandigarh. Unless other-wise specifically provided in these bye-laws, the Constitution and Bye-laws of the Association(PECOSA) shall be applicable.
Article I. Membership
a The membership of the Chapter is open to all members of the Association located in and around the geographical area of the Chapter.
- The Chapter will have the following level of membership
- Member: currently residing in the sphere of influence of the region and will have a right to vote in the General Body Meeting (GBM) and election of the office bearers of the Chapter. If the Member moves out of the Chapter’s geographical area , membership will be changed to Associate Member.
- Associate Member: Any member of the Association who is interested in the activities of the Chapter . associate Member will not have right to attend GBM or vote in any
- The Executive Committee of the Chapter will take decision on any exception to above rules & will frame the guidelines for membership eligibility, grant and termination of
- The Executive Committee of the Chapter may prescribe a joining and or annual
- The Chapter will maintain a database of register of Members , Associate The EC of the Chapter shall frame guidelines for updating of the register of members on a continuous basis;
- The EC of the Chapter will formulate the guidelines & process of joining and resignation from the Chapter.
Article 2. General Body Meeting of Chapter(GBM).
a All the Members of the Chapter shall comprise the General Body (GB). The GB shall be the supreme body of the Chapter in taking decision on any matter relating to the functioning of the Chapter;
- The GB should ordinarily meet at-least once a year or an extra-ordinary GBM may be called by the Executive Committee;
- Notice of fifteen days for any meeting of the GB shall be given to the members by email as per the database register of the Chapter;
- The Quorum of the GBM shall be Twenty members present among whom at-least three members of the EC must be personally present. If the quorum is not complete, the meeting may be adjourned or reconvened at any other time as decided by the EC of the
- A motion on any matter for decision in GBM shall deem to have been passed by the General Body if supported by simple majority of the members present;
- . No resolution or motion to commit the Chapter on any matter shall be considered by the Chapter until it has been considered by the Executive Committee;
- The Executive Committee shall present annual report of its activities as well as a statement of account every year to the General Body;
- The minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the Secretary and will be forwarded to the Association also.
There will be flexibility and total independence to the local chapter(s) to have their own Governing Body as it deem appropriate but a model set-up for chapter, PECOSA is proposing following procedure. However to begin with the local chapter can elect/nominate their regional representative for the parent body i.e PECOSA( Regd) Chandigarh
- The Governing body of the Chapter shall be the Executive Committee (EC) consisting of 5-7 members. The office bearers of the Chapter & their duties will be as under:-
- President: (de-facto CEO of the Chapter). It shall be duty of the President to preside over meetings of EC & GBM of the Chapter and perform such other duties as ordinarily pertains to the office of the President;
- Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to preside at the meetings of EC in the absence of the President and perform such other duties as ordinarily pertains to the office of Vice-President of the Association;
- Secretary: ( de-facto Chief Operating Officer). It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the records of the membership ,record attendance at the meetings, send out
notices for the meetings of EC &GBM and preserve the minutes of such meetings, make the required reports to the GBM & Association.
- Treasurer ( de-facto Financial Controller of Chapter). It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have custody of all the funds, accounting for the same to GBM annually and at any other time upon demand by the EC and to perform such other duties as pertain to the office of Treasurer. Upon retirement from the office, the Treasurer shall hand over the record to the incoming Treasurer or to the President all funds, books of accounts or any other property of the Chapter.
- In addition to the above, Immediate Past President of the Chapter will be member of the EC.
- The Executive Committee of the Chapter may nominate members , who may participate in the EC meetings but will not have voting rights in the meetings of EC.
- The term of the EC of the Chapter will be two years. A person can be a member of the EC for a maximum of two terms for the same position but can occupy same position after cooling off period of two terms.
- The members of the EC will be elected by the members of the Chapter. The detailed guidelines for the election & its procedure will be formulated and approved by the EC of the Chapter.
An Election Officer will be appointed by the EC who will notify and conduct the election accordingly.
- Only bona-fide members of the Chapter can stand for the election of EC of the Chapter.
- Resignation of EC members: EC member may resign or relocate residence out of Chapter’s region. The position to be filled as follows:-
- If the position of the President falls vacant, Vice-President shall be appointed as President for the remaining period of the term and EC will nominate VP.
- If immediate Past President’s position falls vacant, EC may nominate any past EC member for that position.
- If the position of Secretary falls vacant, EC may nominate any suitable member of the EC to be Secretary for the remaining period of the term of the EC
- If any other member of the EC resigns, EC may nominate any of the active member for that position.
- . The Executive Committee will meet at-least once a quarter and the decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
- The EC will nominate additionally minimum of 5(Five) and maximum of 9(Nine) members to the Management Committee, to assist it in the day-to-day management of the
- Management Committee will consist of the EC members nominated to MC as above
- The President shall, subject to the approval of EC, appoint sub-committees for specific purposes from time to time.
- Program Sub-Committee: Responsible for finalizing and conducting all the Program/functions of the Chapter.
- Membership Sub-Committee: Responsible for ensuring that all the alumni residing in the region are motivated to become active members of the Chapter and maintaining the members database. It will synchronize members database with the Association(PECOSA)
- Communication & Outreach Sub-Committee: It will be responsible for all the communication within the Chapter regarding its activities, maintenance of all digital assets, Group emailing lists, Face-book page, Twitter handle & website.
- Mentorship & Entrepreneur Development Sub-Committee: It will be responsible for activities relating to Mentorship and development of Entrepreneurship.
- Sponsorship & Fund Raising Sub-Committee: It will be responsible for raising funds for the Chapter.
- To ensure wider participation of the active members and volunteers, a mailing list of the Core Group also will be maintained. The Core Group will be informed of the relevant decisions of EC/MC and may be invited for MC meetings as and when required.
- The Chapter shall open account(s) in Scheduled Bank(s) as decided by the EC. The bank account (s) shall be operated jointly by any of two of Treasurer, President/Vice-President.
- All activities of the Chapter shall be financed out of the funds raised by the Chapter
- Any liability incurred by the Chapter shall be solely its own & shall not be binding on the Association.
- The books of account will be audited every
Article 6. Disputes.
In case of any dispute(s) the decision of the Executive Committee of the Chapter shall be final & binding and no recourse shall be taken to the court of Law.
Article 7. Amendments.
These Bye-laws may be amended at any GBM of the Chapter, a quorum being present by two-third vote of all the members present. No amendment/addition to these bye- laws can be made which is not in harmony with the Chapter’s Constitution and with the Constitution & Bye-Laws of the Association(PECOSA).